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The Oklahoma Psychological Association sponsors many continuing education programs throughout the year that have been developed to meet the needs of psychologists across the state of Oklahoma. View the events below and register online for any of our OPA events.

Upcoming events

    • 11/18/2024
    • 8:00 AM
    • 05/18/2025
    • 5:30 PM
    • ONLINE
    • 141


    For event questions, contact us today! or 405-664-0270

    • 01/24/2025
    • 1:00 AM
    • 02/24/2025
    • 1:30 AM
    • 143


    Children with Problematic Sexual Behavior: Who Are They and How Can We Help?

     This workshop is presented by Oklahoma and a coalition of over 18 States

    Click here for a short video message from Dr. J'Dene Rogers who was the brain child behind us hosting this webinar.  

    "Children with Problematic Sexual Behavior: Who Are They and How Can Psychologists Help?"—an essential event for mental health professionals dedicated to fostering the well-being of children and families.

    This program offers actionable insights and evidence-based strategies to address a challenging yet vital topic. Participants will learn to:

    • Distinguish between typical and problematic sexual behaviors in children, guided by clear guidelines and strategies.
    • Debunk common misconceptions, understanding at least three widespread myths about children with problematic sexual behavior.
    • Identify risk and protective factors that influence outcomes, equipping professionals to better assess and support children.
    • Integrate knowledge into clinical practice, using these concepts to inform effective interventions and treatment plans.

    Designed for psychologists, therapists, educators, and other child-focused professionals, this event empowers attendees with the tools to navigate complex cases, advocate for early intervention, and build a foundation for lasting positive change. Don’t miss this opportunity to advance your expertise and make a difference!

    Learning Objectives

    Describe guidelines and strategies for differentiating between typical and problematic sexual behavior in children.

    List at least three common misconceptions regarding children with problematic sexual behavior.

    Identify risk and protective factors for children with problematic sexual behavior

    Apply the concepts of typical and problematic sexual behavior in children in clinical practice.


    Erin Taylor, PhD, is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Center on Child Abuse and Neglect. She completed her doctoral work at the University of Missouri and her undergraduate work at Vanderbilt University. Her primary clinical interests include assessment and treatment of children exhibiting problematic sexual behavior and who have a history of experiencing trauma. In addition, her research interests focus on the dissemination and implementation of evidence-based treatments (EBTs) for underserved populations youth.

    Dr. Taylor is currently the program coordinator and lead clinician for the Treatment Program for Children with Problematic Sexual Behavior (PSB) for preschool children, and she has previously served as a lead clinician in the PSB Programs for school-age children. She is a Master Trainer in the University of Oklahoma Problematic Sexual Behavior – Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy model for school-age children and provides training to students, as well as state and regional providers. In addition, Dr. Taylor has been trained in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), an evidence-based treatment (EBT) for children and adolescents impacted by trauma and their parents or caregivers; she is currently completing training and certification for Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) model. During her graduate training, Dr. Taylor received training in Multisytemic Therapy (MST), an intensive, in-home family therapy model for youth engaged in antisocial or delinquent behavior and was supervised by the model co-developer.

    In addition to her clinical activities, Dr. Taylor is actively involved in multiple research projects focused on children and adolescents exhibiting problematic sexual behavior. Over the previous two years, she has contributed to numerous projects focused on the implementation of EBTs for children exhibiting problematic sexual behavior, adaptations of EBTs, youth engagement in electronic and online sexual behaviors (e.g., sexting, viewing online pornography), parenting practices, collaboration efforts across multiple professional systems (e.g., law enforcement, child welfare, mental health) who work with youth exhibiting PSB, and EBT adoption in community providers.

    Cancellation policies

    • Refund request due to special circumstances will be evaluated on a case by case basis. Refunded fees may be applied to new membership dues or membership dues renewal.

    New Hampshire Psychological Association (NHPA) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. NHPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content.  There is a registration option should you wish to receive an APA approved CE program.  Please make sure you choose that registration.  

    • 01/31/2025
    • 03/26/2025
    • 3 sessions
    • Online via Zoom

    Members and nonmembers are invited to register for one and or all of the upcoming town halls we are hosting as a way to engage Oklahoma psychologist in the discussion about whether or not Oklahoma should adopt master’s level licensure individuals under our psychological practice. 

    We have tried to schedule meetings at various days and times to capture a date that hopefully works for anyone wishing to be part of these dialogue sessions.  Each session will be 45 minutes of materials presented from OPA’s Master’s Level Task Force, Engaged Members who feel strongly against anything like this and hear the data results from our master’s level licensure survey to members and nonmembers.  

    OPA is wanting to shape the future of psychology with members and those that practice in Oklahoma without dividing our state and psychologist throughout this process.  OPA wants to take our time, yet be the leading organization to shape what this issue looks like in our state, before some other organization defines it for us.  Thanks for registering for one or all of these. 

    If you have questions to submit for answering in advance, we welcome your feedback at 

    The survey mentioned above was available through Dec. 31, 2024.  If you did not get a chance to participate and wish to provide feedback, contact us today for the link. 

    • 02/02/2025
    • 1:00 AM
    • 03/31/2025
    • 1:30 AM
    • 147

    • 03/28/2025
    • 11:00 AM
    • 04/04/2025
    • 2:15 PM
    • Virtual Event
    • 142

    Have you addressed all the telehealth compliance requirements beyond PSYPACT that can differ from state to state?

    Many psychologists underestimate the complex web of state regulations beyond PSYPACT authority, often assuming that licensure alone ensures compliance. In reality, up to 20 additional state-specific regulations exist, each with nuanced requirements that could impact the legality of your services. Navigating these complexities has been challenging, with little practical guidance on identifying, tracking, and complying with nuanced differences across jurisdictions.

    Join this Master Class led by Dr. Marlene Maheu, the pioneer in telebehavioral health compliance. Gain the expertise to stay competent and confident as you expand your practice. Dr. Maheu will guide you through essential terminology, and then engage you in a thought-provoking discussion, equipping you with the resources to grow your telehealth services safely across state lines or international borders.

    Plus, take advantage of these valuable bonuses:

    • Managing Emergencies: Learn how to manage emergencies across jurisdictions with real-life case examples tailored to US and international practice.

    • Interactive Audience Participation: Engage directly with Dr. Maheu and peers to address your most pressing interjurisdictional concerns in an interactive, collaborative learning telehealth experience.

    • Documentation: Get actionable suggestions for documenting telehealth services, including key clauses for your informed consent process to manage telehealth-specific risks.

    • Telesupervision: Discover essential skills and documentation practices to provide telesupervision effectively across state lines.

    • No-Cost Resources: Access over a dozen no-cost, digital telebehavioral health resources available 24/7 to maintain compliance now and in the future.

    • Informed Guidance: Leverage Dr. Maheu's 30 years of telebehavioral health experience, with her exclusive insights from working with more than 89,000 telehealth professionals.

    • Compliance Tracking Spreadsheet: Benefit from the convenience of a downloadable state and international compliance tracking spreadsheet, complete with column headings and rows corresponding to regulations identified and described in this Master Class. 

    • Modeling: Observe Dr. Maheu's practical approaches and screen presence in real time to minimize screen fatigue and strengthen the therapeutic bond.

    This Master Class goes beyond PSYPACT basics—delving into the complexities of interjurisdictional practice to address real-world regulatory and ethical challenges. Bring your most pressing compliance questions and leave with the skills and clarity to expand your practice across state lines and international borders. Join us to fuel your passion for serving clients wherever they are while enjoying peace of mind from effectively managing legal and ethical risks.

    Learning Objectives:
    At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:

    1. Participants will be able to identify state-specific compliance requirements that extend beyond PSYPACT and analyze how these requirements vary across jurisdictions.

    2. Participants will list practical strategies for managing the complexities of interjurisdictional practice and implement effective documentation, informed consent, and emergency protocols to ensure compliance across state lines and international borders.

    3. Participants will name at least a dozen no-cost resources to guide them in future decision-making for working over state lines

Past events

01/24/2025 Children with Problematic Sexual Behavior: Who Are They and How Can We Help?
11/08/2024 "It Starts With Us" OPA Annual Conference
09/20/2024 Culturally Responsive Cognitive Behavior Therapy - Tips, Tools, & Techniques
07/01/2024 ON DEMAND CHECK IN - Oklahoma Managed Care - Dialogue Lunch & Learn VIRTUAL EVENT
07/01/2024 ON-DEMAND: Oklahoma Health Information Exchange (HIE) Updates
07/01/2024 Perspectives on Master's Level Licensing in SPTA's - ON DEMAND
04/20/2024 Understanding Gender Identity Development: The Science Behind Gender Dysphoria in Youth
04/20/2024 Sequence XII: Navigating Challenging Conversations: Ethics and Risk Management
03/29/2024 ON DEMAND Oklahoma Managed Care - Dialogue Lunch and Learn
03/28/2024 Oklahoma Managed Care - Dialogue Lunch and Learn
11/13/2023 Psychology During a Mental Health Crisis: Doing Psychology Differently
11/03/2023 Psychology During a Mental Health Crisis: Doing Psychology Differently
08/30/2023 ON DEMAND - Social Media: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
08/11/2023 Social Media: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
04/28/2023 Use of Attachment - Based Family Therapy for adolescents struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts
04/22/2023 Second Annual Best Practices and Ethics Conference
04/05/2023 ON DEMAND Health Information Exchange State Designated Entity Webinar
03/31/2023 Health Information Exchange State Designated Entity Webinar
11/04/2022 Stop, Collaborate and Listen - OPA Annual Conference
08/29/2022 ON DEMAND Don't let the TR Fool You: The DSM - 5 - TR is Far More than a Text Revision
08/26/2022 Don't let the TR Fool You: The DSM - 5 - TR is Far More than a Text Revision
04/09/2022 2022 OPA Best Practices and Ethics Conference
11/26/2021 ON DEMAND - Celebrating the Past by Developing Our Future - Positioning Psychologists to become the primary professionals for shaping mental health policies in Oklahoma
11/05/2021 Celebrating the Past by Developing Our Future - Positioning Psychologists to become the primary professionals for shaping mental health policies in Oklahoma
05/17/2021 ON DEMAND CE's - The Role of Psychological Pain Management Care in Addressing The Opioid Epidemic (CE Event for Psychologists)
04/30/2021 The Role of Psychological Pain Management Care in Addressing the Opioid Epidemic A Forum with Federal, State, and Local Policymakers
04/23/2021 The Role of Psychological Pain Management Care in Addressing The Opioid Epidemic (CE Event for Psychologists)
02/20/2021 Self Care as an Ethical Imperative - Ethics CEU's
11/12/2020 ON DEMAND WEBINARS - Providing A Lens Into Human Behavior Given Today's Reality
11/06/2020 Providing A Lens Into Human Behavior Given Today's Reality
09/25/2020 Non Member Lunch and Learn Webinar: Health Care Financing: Recent Changes and Challenges for the Future
07/27/2020 NON MEMBER Lunch and Learn Webinar: Advocacy and OPA...impacting the practice of psychology
07/24/2020 NON MEMBER Lunch and Learn Webinar: Autism Spectrum Disorder & Anxiety
05/02/2020 Sequence X: Perplexing Problems in Psychological Practice: Decision Science, Ethics & Risk Management
11/01/2019 Innovation and Integration - Thinking beyond the couch
04/13/2019 Sequence IX: Ethics & Risk Management in Complex Clinical Conundrums
02/22/2019 Tulsa Lunch & Learn - Round Table Discussions
11/02/2018 2018 OPA Annual Convention
09/14/2018 Tulsa's Clinical Psychologists: Brief Presentations from Colleagues
06/15/2018 Putting the Humanity Back Into Ethical Decision Making
11/16/2017 2017 OPA Annual Convention
06/30/2017 2017 Ethics Conference
10/27/2016 2016 OPA Annual Convention
10/14/2016 Difficult Dialogues Series
02/19/2016 Difficult Dialogues Series: Microaggressions
11/13/2015 2015 OPA Annual Convention
09/04/2015 OPA offers webinar on ICD-10. Act today…limited number of spots available
06/27/2015 OPA 2015 Ethics Seminar
06/19/2015 Unique Ways to Be a Psychologist - Early Career Discussion
05/30/2015 Fight Hunger and Feed Hope with OPA
01/12/2015 OPA Board Meeting
11/14/2014 2014 OPA Annual Convention
10/13/2014 OPA Board Meeting
09/08/2014 OPA Board Meeting
08/11/2014 OPA Board Meeting
06/09/2014 OPA Board Meeting
04/25/2014 OPA Spring Ethics Seminar - APA Trust
04/24/2014 Wine & Cheese Gathering
04/14/2014 OPA Board Meeting
04/14/2014 Tulsa Meet & Greet Preceding OPA Board Meeting Teleconference
04/04/2014 Early Career Psychologist Meet and Greet
03/08/2014 APA State Leadership Conference
08/26/2013 Domestic Violence: Intervention, Accountability and Healing the Wounds

Thank You to Our Website Sponsor

The Oklahoma Psychological Association's mission is to promote human welfare in Oklahoma by advancing psychology as a science and profession


Call or Email Us:  
(405) 664-0270

P.O. Box 1585
Norman, OK 74070

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