Hosting a Conference?
How Do You Get Your CPE Approved?
Requirements for CPE Approval
Acceptable CPE presentations and programs must adhere to the definition of continuing education provided by the American Psychological Association (APA) in that they improve service to the public and enhance contributions to the profession. They must also be credible (e.g. theoretically, empirically, accepted conventional practice). Please refer to the attached APA approval standards for further details.
Please submit the following items to be considered for CPE approval by the Oklahoma Psychological Association. An example application package is attached.
Requirements for CPE Approval include:
1. Completed Application for Continuing Professional Education
2. A biography that includes credentials, trainings and qualifications that demonstrate the presenter’s expertise on the topic.3. Presenter Curriculum Vita, including details concerning coursework, training, research, or other experiences that demonstrate the presenter’s expertise on the topic (i.e. to provide details of the experiences highlighted in the biography).
4. At least three clear educational objectives. Please include relevant references that will be used to inform the presentation.
5. Presentation agenda and outline, indicating the topics to be covered and a timeline of activities.
6. Form to be used for collecting evaluations from participants, such as the attached APA Workshop Evaluation Tool (Form #2). *Average ratings from each question on your evaluation form must be provided to OPA within 1 month after the presentation is completed.
7. Application Fee: If the sponsor is an OPA member and not affiliated with a private corporation, the fee is $40. If the sponsor is not an OPA member, the fee is $100 and if the sponsor is a private corporation, the fee is $300. To quality as an OPA member, your dues must be up to date and paid in full.
Application Form