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Mission: To advance psychology as a science, profession, 
 as a means of promoting human welfare in Oklahoma
by advancing psychology as a science and profession.

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Domestic Violence: Intervention, Accountability and Healing the Wounds

  • 08/26/2013
  • 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
  • St. Lukes United Methodist Church CLC and Conference Center


Registration is closed
Registration Fees

Early Bird Registration Fee Before August 5th - $165.00
Registration Fee before August 25th - $189.00
Registration Fee on the day of the event - $219.00

Covers 6 CEUs for for Psychologists, LPC, LMFT, SW, LADC, CLEET, and additional check with OPA. 

Continental Breakfast, Lunch and all handouts included.

Lundy Bancroft has twenty years of experience specializing in interventions for abusive men and their families. He has authored four books in the field, including the country's best-selling book on domestic violence, Why Does He Do That? and the national prizewinner The Batterer as Parent. Lundy's fifth book, Daily Wisdom for 'Why Does He Do That' will be out this coming October.

Lundy is a former Co-Director of Emerge, the nation's first counseling program for men who batter, and was involved in over 2000 cases as counselor and clinical supervisor. He has also served extensively as a custody evaluator, child abuse investigator, and expert witness. Lundy appears across the United States as a presenter for court personnel, child protective workers, therapists, law enforcement officials, and other audiences. He is currently working on a play about battered women's experiences with the child custody system, called "Forbidden to Protect."

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The Oklahoma Psychological Association's mission is to promote human welfare in Oklahoma by advancing psychology as a science and profession


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