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The Oklahoma Psychological Association (OPA) values the involvement of our members in impacting legislation and electing house and senate leaders that understand behavioral health issues.  Because OPA Members CAN make a difference, the membership and Board of Directors voted to start PACs. 

It is important that WE as Oklahoman's and psychologists elect leaders that understand our role in the care model of those with behavioral health issues. 

A PAC is a group of two or more persons that receives contributions or makes expenditures for any of these purposes: (1) to make contributions to candidates or candidate committees; (2) to make contributions to other PACs. 

OK Psych Assn has two PAC's:

UNLIMITED PAC:  allow OPA to utilize funds to host educational events with legislators (caucus meal functions, etc.), use funds for litigation and other independent expenditures that are NOT known to a currently seated legislator or candidate for legislature.

LIMITED PAC: allows OPA to give funds to campaigns either running for election or re-election. 

HELP US MAKE A DIFFERENCE!  Make a monthly, quarterly, yearly or one time contribution today!  

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Thank You to Our Website Sponsor

The Oklahoma Psychological Association's mission is to promote human welfare in Oklahoma by advancing psychology as a science and profession


Call or Email Us:  
(405) 664-0270

P.O. Box 1585
Norman, OK 74070

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