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Psychologist of the Day:  Oklahoma has the only program like this in the nation where every Monday a psychologist is recognized on the House of Representatives and Senate Floors elevating the status of psychologists as physicians in Oklahoma. Additionally, the Psychologist of the Day visits with lawmakers about important issues impacting the profession and practice of psychology while recognizing us as the premiere behavioral health specialist in Oklahoma. 

The program starts with the first Monday in February and runs through the end of May. 

If you are a student, ECP or a psychologist that has never done psychologists of the day, we encourage you to sign up to shadow the psychologist of the day.  Advocacy is critically important to OPA and to what you do in making a difference in the lives of Oklahomans suffering from a behavioral health related issue. 

Please consider helping us ADVOCATE for PSYCHOLOGIST and PSYCHOLOGY. 

Sign up today and send OPA an email with your preferred date at

Thank You to Our Website Sponsor

The Oklahoma Psychological Association's mission is to promote human welfare in Oklahoma by advancing psychology as a science and profession


Call or Email Us:  
(405) 664-0270

P.O. Box 1585
Norman, OK 74070

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