Mission: To advance psychology as a science, profession, and as a means of promoting human welfare in Oklahoma by advancing psychology as a science and profession.
Diversity, Ethics and RxP
Join us this year in Shawnee at the Gordon Cooper Technology Center for dynamic presentations covering diversity, ethics and RxP. Featured speakers will be Dr. Felicia Smith, Past-President of Kentucky Psychological Association and Dr. Beth Rom-Rymer, Past-President of Illinois Psychological Association.
Don't miss our Friday night awards banquet which will include a presentation on Equine Therapy by Dr. Paul Tobin and entertainment.
Registration Rates
OPA Member $300
Non Member $350
OPA Student Member $65
Student Non-Member $90
Registration Rates at the door
OPA Member $350
Non Member $400
OPA Student Member $75
Student Non-Member $100
If you are planning to attend the Friday Night Awards Banquet, please register as you complete your registration for the Convention. The cost of the Banquet will be $35 per person. We welcome spouses, partners, and guests. This year's Banquet is sure to impress.
No refunds except in cases of emergency.
La Quinta Inn and Suites at 5401 Enterprise Ct, Shawnee is a host hotel. Reservations may be made by calling (405) 275-7930.
The Grand Casino Resort is also a host hotel and offering rooms for $89/per night and can be reserved by contacting:
TO BOOK ONLINE: go to grandresortok.com to book the room. Add the block code OKLA_002 to get the discounted rate.
TO BOOK BY PHONE: Call 405-964-7777. Ask for the Oklahoma Psychological Association block to get the discounted rate.
Thank You to Our Website Sponsors
Call or Email Us: (405) 664-0270 okpsychassociation@gmail.com
Address:P.O. Box 1585 Norman, OK 74070